I was a little nervous doing this cake, because there were a number of challenging elements - carving the shape, getting the face to be recognizable (characters are always tough!), doing the pigtails and the wings.
I started with a 3D teddy-bear mold, which I used for the first time. My first effort was a disaster. I hadn't greased and floured the mold enough, and the cake completely ripped apart. But when life hands you messed up cake...you just make...strawberry trifle!
The second time I greased and floured that sucker until the whole inside surface was completely white. It came out beautifully. Phew!
The birthday girl and her family loved it! Yay!! They had a hard time cutting into it, so we ended up eating the body, and saving the head (imagine that face looking at you every time you open the fridge or freezer!! Eeks!)